
Your contributions make it possible for NewStories to support groups globally as they Re-story and enhance their capacity for transformative action.

Your donations are critical in enabling us to continue offering our services where they are truly needed, irrespective of financial means or social standing or regardless of background or circumstance. It is through your support that NewStories can continue to challenge conventional funding models and uphold our commitment to provide assistance where it is most essential.

NewStories also sponsors several projects and initiatives that help to open up new paths and live into new possibilities for consciously co-creating a sustainable and thriving relationship with Earth and one another.

Your support makes our Re-Storying mission possible.

We accept contributions for general support or you may designate specific projects on the PayPal form. Contribute using your credit card or your PayPal account. New Stories is a 501(c)3 and your contributions may be tax-deductible.