NewStories' Principles

Principles are values-made-actionable; they serve as a compass and guidance system for Re-Storying, and guide decision-making in challenging times. Through the process of discerning and naming their own specific guiding principles, people build shared understanding of what they value. Together, they become able to use their principles to guide action, decision-making, and evaluation. Ultimately, principles are expressions of what “life” is longing to become, within each place, community and system.

The principles listed below were developed by NewStories as an internal guidance system for the NewStories team, perhaps useful for other organizations that are Re-Storying. There are nine guiding principles here, grouped in sets of three (indicated by color). Roll over each principle below to view the guidelines NewStories uses to put “Principles Into Practice” – they serve as reminders of how to individually and collectively use these principles to navigate coherently as unexpected realities unfold.

A downloadable PDF below file provides additional information.

The principles guide NewStories activities, and are regularly updated based on what emerges. Your principles won’t look like NewStories’ principles, but these are an example that may be helpful for others involved in the work of regenerating the relationships necessary to cocreate a world that works for everyone’s greatest thriving.