Community Resilience Planning Guide (PDF)

The Berry Creek fire in Northern California in September, 2020 was heartbreaking. Not far from the Camp Fire of November 8, 2018 which decimated Paradise, CA, Berry Creek fire was a reminder of devastation and destruction.

So what do we do after these catastrophes? Climate disasters are a wake-up call. And now they are one of the few things that are constant. We have disasters, an interlude, and then another disaster. What we do in the interlude is all important. We use the time to first provide emergency assistance to survivors, then to recover, then to prepare. Finally, if there’s time and energy, we figure out how to transform the underlying conditions that created the disaster and its severe impacts of certain populations in our communities.

This website: offers a pretty comprehensive approach to build community resilience after disaster. It reads like a government publication — which it is. It has a number of good points to consider. Have a look.

Download Community Resilience Planning Guide PDF

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