Like many other organizations, the Dance Palace on the coastal side of California’s Marin County was devastated by COVID. A hub of community life built around the arts, everything either stopped or radically transformed in 2020. The leadership of the Dance Palace decided to use the disruption to reground themselves in community and to work with the community to Re-Story their identity. They brought NewStories in, first to host conversations with the leadership about the future and then to take those conversations to the broader community. While Point Reyes, where the Dance Palace has its main facility, is multi-racial with a large Latinx community, the Dance Palace leadership was predominantly white. Point Reyes is also part of the wildfire prone California ecosystem where climate catastrophe is a growing concern. Deep conversations helped the leadership and the community address these issues and more.
Guided by NewStories’ expertise in Principles Guided Co-Creation and Re-Storying, the Dance Palace embarked on a transformative journey, discovering a renewed connection with its community and a new story of hope and possibility.
Read the seed story here.