NewStories Social Field

Bob Wing

Social Field

I am the director of Mountain Warrior Institute, an organization dedicated to cultivating compassionate and dynamic actions in the world. I developed Warrior of the Heart seminars and retreats, designed to teach individuals and groups to live and work harmoniously, intelligently and courageously. Bob has also worked deeply in The Art of Hosting Meaningful Questions for many years.

I’ve presented seminars at a number of wonderful places including:Authentic Leadership (Halifax, N.S.), Omega Institute (Reinbeck, N.Y.), The Crossings (Austin, Texas),  Axladitsa Wholeness Center (Thessaly, Greece), Hazelwood House (Devon, England), Kufunda Learning Village (Zimbabwe), K.E.E.P  Farm, (Kiyosato, Japan), and Parque Ecológico Visão Futuro (Brazil).

I started studying Aikido in 1977 and am a direct student of both Kashiwaya Sensei and Ikeda Sensei. I taught Aikido at Naropa University (Boulder, Colorado) Contemplative Studies Department beginning in 1982 and also founded the Naropa Aikido Club. I was an adjunct professor in the Contemplative Psychology (B.A.) and Contemplative Psychotherapy (M.A.) departments, teaching Gestalt and Body Centered Therapy, as well as instructing at the Marpa Center for Business and Economics.

I have been deeply influenced by his individual work with Dr. Milton Trager  (Trager Psycho-Physical Integration), Dr. Vasant Lad (Ayurvedic Medicine), Mary Burmeister (Jin Shin Jyutsu), John-Roger, (Movement for Spiritual Inner Awareness), Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi, Elizabeth Cogburn, Garchen Rinpoche, Wallace Black Elk, and many others.

visit Mountain Warrior Institute