As a board member and chair of the board with New Stories, I find profound joy in being part of a team that invites and co-creates NewStories for a regenerative future. This work deeply aligns with my personal and professional purpose, rooted in a commitment to transformative change and the cultivation of systems and ways of being that conspire with life.
Through twenty-five years of founding, growing, and leading organizations dedicated to human, environmental, and societal well-being—including twelve years in leadership at The Whidbey Institute (—I have come to understand that transformative change begins within.
While inspired by and proud of many outcomes, I too often drove myself relentlessly—sacrificing health, family, friendships, and other aspects of life to serve environmental, societal, and human futures. Driven by the urgency and importance of the challenges our world faces, I wrestled with the contradiction of grinding myself into the ground in pursuit of regenerative futures. This struggle eventually became a guide, steering me to grow deep capacities in human development, systems change, culture change, organizational development and leadership, transformative learning, and practices for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Today, as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach trained in Generative Coaching and informed by Functional Medicine, I have developed the Fractally Whole Approach ( This work is dedicated to supporting those who are committed to what-is-yet-possible in our world, helping them cultivate deep resilience and ongoing regeneration to live their transformative journeys as whole human beings, from the inside out.