Mark is a former senior executive leader (CEO / Executive VP / Corporate VP / CIO / CTO / CTA), and the founding CEO of the Sunyata Group of non-profit and for-profit organizations. His focus is on social cohesion and phylomemetic root cause analysis. He specializes in leadership and organizational development integrated with performance optimization (quality/process improvement | informatics) and transformative technology. He currently works with communities and neighborhoods to achieve inclusive economic development that builds Beloved Community (social cohesion and resilience) by providing relational-cultural skills, structural-technical knowledge, tools, resources, and social connections. He partners with non-profit, government, and for-profit organizations to design and implement inclusive economic development specifically for culturally excluded intersectionally-marginalized peoples that have, are, or will be subjected to systemic social-cultural-economic disenfranchisement by segregation and gentrification. His primary analytic strategy is adaptive design approach (inferior treatment groups) employing mixed methods designs using qualitative context and content analysis techniques, and quantitative clustering and classification techniques such as Binary Logistic Regression Analyses, ANOVA, Repeated Measures ANOVA, Multiple Regression Analyses, Discriminant Analyses, Decision Tree Classification Analyses, Bayesian Analyses, and Scale Equivalency Testing. Mark holds a doctorate in organizational systems, and a master’s degree in management.
You can see more about my work and approach at