Roshanda Cummings

Roshanda Cummings is a long-time Vallejo resident, Millennial whippersnapper, and also a photoblogger and editor for This Is Vallejo (TIV). Told never to stay in Vallejo, she got her BA in International Social Science from Bethel College, Indiana. She fueled her passion for people and place through Field Assessments in East Africa (Food For the Hungry Intl.), Social Research facilitation for university students in Southeast Asia (GoEd Mekong Delta), and managing on of the largest co-working spaces in North America (Impact Hub San Francisco).  It was at this last station that she stumbled onto both social entrepreneurship and Art of Hosting. The consequence? Powerful concepts have snuck their way into everything she does, even her work with her hometown.

She lives in Vallejo (they made up) and works in Oakland for Impact Hub Oakland. When she’s not brainstorming concepts for TIV, she creates community among social entrepreneurs, and reads halves of books. She’s a sucker for an underdog story.